Cokato Finnish American Historical Society
"We remember so that others won't forget"

Finnish Pioneer Park
The purpose of the Cokato Finnish American Historical Society is to preserve the history of the Finnish pioneers and others who settled in
this area of Wright County. The society is a self supporting non profit organization. The society holds many educational and social events during the year.

New roof on Log Cabin
The CFAHS takes care of the maintenance and repair on the buildings in the Finnish Pioneer Park. One of the big projects this summer was the new roof on the log cabin. Repairs were done by using the same type materials, this preserves how the building was originally constructed and maintains the character of the building. This summer Hans Siltala and his brothers Nick and Nate removed the old cedar shake roof and replaced with new shakes. Other CFASH members volunteers helped in gathering the supplies to complete the project. If you did not notice the new roof that is ok. That means we did a great job preservinging the historic aesthetic of the building.
2025 Events
Jan 5 Tin Melting
March 8 Business Expo
March 16 St Urho Day
April 14 Annual Meeting
May 31 Memorial Celebration
June 21 Mid -Summer
Oct 4 Fall Festival
Dec 6 Pikkujoulu
Jan 2026 Tin Melting


The newsletter is the society's way of passing along historical information to our members. It covers the current events plus information about the lives of the Finnish settlers. There is also feature stories which include the President's letter and Davey's Corner. It is always a good read with a cup of coffee.
Become a member and you can enjoy this eight page news letter threes times per year.
Historical Society Videos
In partnership with the Cokato Museum the Cokato Finnish American Historical Society is making informational videos to be posted on YouTube. Our goal is to have a video for each on the historical buildings at the Finnish Pioneer Park.